2023 April 议程 and 分钟



This is a reminder that the ag娱乐官网 校董会 will meet Thursday, 4月13日下午3点.m. in the JPH conference center.

Call to Order — Chris McNew

批准议程 — Chris McNew


  • Finance Report — Richard Stipe
  • 主席报告-博士. 里克Massengale

同意议程 — Chris McNew

  • March Regular Meeting 分钟
  • Replacement position: Full Time GED Instructor (成人教育 Grant Funded)


Pursuant to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act 25-19-106 (c) (1) 行政会议s will be permitted only for the purpose of considering employment, 任命, 促销活动, 降级, 管教, or resignation of any public officer or employee.





The ag娱乐官网 校董会 met in regular session on Thursday, 13, April 2023 in JPH conference center. Chair McNew called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 受托人帕姆·亨利, 琳达举杯祝酒, 黛比·约翰逊, 凯文•谢利, 路加福音Feighert, 莎拉·纽曼, 没有汤姆林森, 斯科特·米勒也出席了.

ag娱乐官网 personnel attending included Richard Stipe, Dr. 罗德尼。
阿诺德,乔·亚当斯博士. 里克Massengale, Ryan Hoffman, Brandon Cone, Melissa Bray, Nell Bonds, Tavonda Brown, Dr.  David Mason, guest, Jim Sprott, and Harrison Daily Times, Jeff Dezort.



Chair McNew asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. There being none, the agenda was approved.



Finance Report—Richard Stipe shared E&G and Auxiliary budget activities through March 2023.

在E区&G基金, Richard Stipe stated total revenue for the month was $723,014, and the year-to-date was $13,923,635. The expenditures for the month were $1,067,497, and the year-to-date was $12,023,880, which is trending in the regular pattern.

Auxiliary: Revenue for the current month ended at $87,428 with a year-to-date total of $1,533,619. Mr. Stipe stated the revenue aligns with this time of the year. Expenditures current month total ended at $96,964 and a year-to-date total of $1,620,434. Mr. Stipe said we are in the full last month for activity in the college store and grill. He said overall, everything is tracking where expected. Mr. Stipe said they are not ready to give any predictions for the year-end numbers. Mr. Stipe said he believes we are on track to finish the year strong. Trustee Feighert asked if operations of the college grill would be discussed at the budget session. Mr. Stipe said he would talk through the grill operations when they meet for the budget session. Trustee Miller asked if the expenditures in the auxiliary were related to the grill, and Mr. 柄确认. Trustee Miller noted the revenue is on budget. Mr. Stipe said it is on track with the budget, and the decision was made not to revise either budget until they had a better picture of where it will be at the end of the year.

总统发表. Massengale congratulated the Arkansas State FBLA Collegiate 2023 placements. Kayla Caviness and Cody Wyly were first places in Network Design, and Pollyanna Montgomery was first in Small Business Management Plan. Kayla Cavines and Cody Wyly received second place in Business Presentation, Bryce Bonds in Information Management, Matthew Liggett in Public Speaking and Retail Management, and Dalton Rowe received third place in Macroeconomics.


Dr. Massengale acknowledges that April is 社区 College Month. He said it is a time to focus on the role of community college and mentioned it was a privilege to have the Arkansas 社区 College leadership on campus. Skills USA was in Hot Springs for the competition, 一旦收到, we will share the placements next month. Dr. Massengale mentioned the students that built the Commission Green House. He said the students would make one to sell. He ended his report by congratulating Mike Masterson on receiving the Ozarks Ambassador award, Bill Lovell on receiving the Pioneer Impact award, and Jacquie Markle was honored on her retirement.



The 同意议程 included:

  • March regular meeting minutes
  • Replacement position: GED Instructor at Carroll County


Chair McNew asked for a motion to approve the 同意议程. A motion was made by Trustee Johnson, seconded by Trustee Cheri, and unanimously approved.



The board adjourned into an executive session where no action was taken. A motion was made by Trustee Cheri and seconded by Trustee Miller to adjourn. After returning, Trustee Pledger made a motion to reconvene, which Trustee Cheri seconded. Trustee Henry said without adequate information, the board will postpone the decision on the president's salary until the May board meeting.


With no further business, Chair Chris McNew adjourned the meeting at 3:45 p.m.

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